Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Sauna gondola

A brand new experience

Hotel? Gondel!

Sauna gondola -
a brand new experience

In their quest to develop a different type of sauna, designers Tarantik & Egger found what they were looking for on the 3,238 high Titlis. Discarded Swiss ski gondolas are now being transformed into sweat cabins. A prime example of upcycling, the art of giving new purpose to old things.

Swiss sauna maker Küng is taking sweating to new heights with 2.5 m² of wood, technology and wellness know-how. The sauna gondolas are weatherproof, mobile, offer a 360° panoramic view thanks to large windows – and easily switch from frost to hot.


From old to new! Scrapped gondolas find new purpose as innovative sauna gondolas.


Incredibly durable but also unbelievably lightweight. Place your gondola wherever you want!

Plug & Sauna

Just power your cabin to 400V and you are ready to start your sauna pleasure.

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Facts & Figures

240 kg

Soothingly good and easily transportable: furnished with fine hardwood, the sauna gondola is so easy to transport that wellness lovers will only work up a sweat enjoying it.

4 People

The shape of the Swiss ski gondolas is reminiscent of days gone by. Now it offers space for four sauna-goers, and at just 2.5 m2, fits into any garden or terrace.

6 kW

A combination heater allows you to choose the temperature and humidity most comfortable for you. Meanwhile your favorite aroma unfolds in the special aroma bowl.


Aspen or alder are central to the sauna gondola. Both types of wood are ideally suited to sauna building and provide the perfect feel-good climate. The (6 kW) electric heater is a powerful designer model. It offers relaxation at the touch of a button. For more individuality, the exterior can also be painted in any colour of your choice. Already have a gondola and would like to convert it into a sauna? We’ll help you customise it to your requirements.


CHF 26'390

The original is 192 x 170 x 154 cm and offers space for 4 sauna-goers. Other gondola models are available on request.

Combi Heater

Thanks to the (6 kW) electric heater, the gondola is powered up to 100°C. A large quantity of stones quickly brings the cabin up to temperature and provides a soothing heat.


You don’t have to look far to find fine alder. This local deciduous tree brings a soft reddish hue into play and enhances the sauna experience with its typical aroma.

CHF 3'800

Looking not only to upcycle but also to upgrade your gondola? A new coat of paint in the colour of your choice turns old into new, chic and modern.

Total price from CHF 26'390

Prices incl. 8.1% VAT, excl. transport and assembly. Subject to technical changes.
Enquire now

The Designers

Toni Egger

is a professional product designer and master carpenter. Manual and technical thinking shape his designs and developments – together with a superb understanding of materials. He lives and works in Lindau by Lake Constance.

Felix Tarantik

is a communications designer and design researcher. He focuses on the relationships between humans and objects. His designs pursue this line of thinking. He lives and works in Zurich.

Together, Tarantik & Egger design products that are popular both in professional circles and on the market.

Nicht nur die Saunagondeln selbst sind eine ganz neue Erfahrung. Sondern auch deren Lieferung...

Video 1
Video 2
Das Saunadörfli war gestern das letzte Mal geöffnet. Das Konzept war ein voller Erfolg👍🏼 Wir freuen uns schon auf eine neue Ausgabe im kommenden Jahr😉
Ein grosses Dankeschön geht an: @kramergastronomie
#Repost @tarantik_egger (@get_repost)
It was a party 🎉 😅 Thank you @kuengsauna and @kramergastronomie for hosting 6 #saunagondel for so many #guests 🕺💃🏻.
#spalife #saunapopup #success #steaminghot #sauna #healty #fitness #smart #recovery #zurichcity

Wo Finnland und Fondue aufeinandertreffen

Beiträge von Radio Energy über die Saunagondeln im Sauna-Dörfli am Zürisee

Beitrag 1
Beitrag 2
Einblick in unsere Wellness-Werkstatt: Diese ausrangierten Gondeln aus den verschiedensten Ecken in der Schweiz werden nun zu Saunagondeln verarbeitet.
--> <--
Wir wünschen einen guten Start in die Woche.

#kuengsauna #spa #wellness #design #craftsmanship #swissmade
“Who wouldn’t want a ski gondola converted into a mobile sauna?”
Core 77
Ein kleiner Blick hinter die Kulissen unseres Saunagondel-Shootings am Zürichsee ☺️

In voller Grösse ansehen
kuengsauna Nachschub ist da! Weitere ausrangierte Gondeln sind in unserer Wellness-Werkstatt eingetroffen. Diese werden nun in kleine Schwitzkabinen verwandelt. Die Saunagondeln sind wetterfest, mobil und ermöglichen einen spektakulären 360°-Panoramablick. Aufgrund der grossen Nachfrage produzieren wir das Objekt nun serienmässig.
#kueng #spa #wellness #outdoorsauna #design #craftsmanship #swissmade #saunagondel #tarantikandegger
“These gondolas are actually incredible saunas.”
Find us here


Redaktion & Text

Küng Sauna & Spa AG
Talstrasse 26b
CH-8852 Altendorf
+41 44 780 67 55

Webdesign & Programmierung

HOMM interactive
Winkelriedstrasse 35
6003 Luzern
+41 41 210 70 00


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Küng Sauna & Spa AG has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data from loss and unauthorised access. Data is stored on servers in Switzerland. Data is usually retained until the expiry of the specified legal archiving period. If the data is not subject to legal archiving periods, it is stored for as long as required for collection purposes.


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